Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 12

Lord of The Flies
Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters
Perspective: Ralph

Dear Diary,

Today the first place I hided from the hunters was in a ticket by the castle rock. I was hungry so I went to Sam and Eric. They gave me some meat that they had. Sam and Eric joined Jacks tribe because they are now scared of Jack and Roger. They also know that they now don't stand a chance against any of the hunters because they saw how evil Roger and Jack can be. Sam and Eric have told me that Roger has sharpened both sides of a spear. At first I didn't know what that meant, now I realize that Roger wants to stick my head onto a spear just like the Lord of The Flies. I start to run to look for hiding places because Sam and Eric told me that the Hunters are going to make a CORDON to scout the island back and forth until they find me. I also was informed they will make ULULATION when they find me. They soon find me in a thicket and I start to run and end up going to the beach. When I arrive there I see men with machine guns. I soon find out that they are naval officers. Jack soon appears on the beach with his painted face and with a spear in his hands. When the naval officer asks for who was chief I took blame and said that I was. When he asked for names Percival Williams forgot his own name! The naval officer soon says that he is disappointed in the all of us and said that he would of thought some English boys would of been able to keep a good community going. Also when I said 2 kids were killed he at first thought it was a DIDDLE.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord of the flies

Chapter 10: Castle Rock

  1. Piggy tells Ralph to call all the boys on the island for a meeting with his talisman (The Conch)
  2. Piggy has three reasons for Jack to return his glasses

1. They belong to Piggy

2. It’s wrong to steal and that he owns them

3. Piggy is blind without his glasses

3. He wants to look not insane like truculently but how they looked before they landed on this island

4. When Piggy, Ralph, Sam and Eric go to the castle rock Roger gets in the way

5. He is delirious and is carrying a pig that he killed during his hunt

6. To prove Ralph's point he calls Jack a thief

7. Soon a cecation happens and they get tied up by the hunters

8. While Piggy was talking Roger threw rocks at Piggy but missed on purpose

9. I think that Roger is the one responsible for Piggy’s death. He is the one who pushed the big bolder which killed Piggy. Jack only ordered to protect the castle rock, he did not say to kill Piggy. Also Piggy could not see at all at the time. If he would have seen the rock he could’e gotten out of the way. This gives evidence that it was not Jacks fault but it was mainly Rogers and partially Piggies.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lord of The Flies

Chapter 8 and 9

Event 3: In this scene the first character in the book talks to the lord of the flies. The lord of the flies is a sacrifice to the beastie from Jack so that his tribe wont get hurt by the beastie. It is a pig head on a stick. The reason he is called lord of the flies is because he has tons of flies eating away at his flesh. In this scene Simon is walking and discovers this pig head. Suddenly the pig head starts talking to Simon and says things like “You thought you could kill me, I am part of you, I’m in all of you, I am the darkness within you.” This makes Simon freak out. Soon the pig head says that he is not only the darkness within you but that he is the beastie! I think this is a hint to Simon that the beastie is not a creature its just our imaginations. The pigs guts then start to fall out and Simon suddenly has a nosebleed. I think he makes this gory scene because the author wants to foreshadow violence using blood. Another thing the author shows is that when Simon has his nosebleed the flies stay with the pig. This is another reason the pig head is called lord of the flies.

I think that Simons death is all Jacks fault. “Do our dance! Come on! Dance!” This quote shows that Jack started the dance. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” This quote shows that he also started the aggressive chant which got all the boys pumped about killing. This is my evidence that Jack is the guilty one. He is the one that is making these boys exited about killing and he also say s that there even is a beastie. If they would’ve been sitting under shelters like Ralph wanted them to then Simons Death would have never happened. Jack is a perfect example of what the pig head said. Jack has a lot of darkness inside of him.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 7

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees
Piggy, were going to be late
Perspective: Simon

Today when Ralph hit a boar in the nose we all started to play a game. The games where someone (in this case Robert) pretends to be the boar and everyone circles around him and pokes him with the but ends of our spears. His imitation of the pigs face looked like he had just eaten a bucket of brine. After this we got much exited and got a big energy boost. I think this really helped all of our moods. Today while we were all having fun Jack cracked a joke about instead of pretending with a hunter that they could kill a littlun. I think that this foreshadows Jack killing some littluns.
Today we also found proof that the beastie was real. When we climbed to the top of the mountain to relight the fire we saw a smudge that was moving. It seemed as if it was guarding the fire and it didn’t want us to be rescued. Sam n’ Eric was right about the beast. It had claws, wings, fangs and it was pretty scary. Even Jack didn’t know what to do. He was for once scared and I heard doubt in his voice. There also might be another side to this story. Ralph and Jack just might be really gullible and there minds might be playing tricks on them. In these moors on this island who knows if you’re going crazy or not. Also I thought after his assembly he had become more sagely.
I feel that when we play the spear the pig game we get a big energy boost and it helps brighten our moods. This worked when we were looking for the beastie and we were all dun. It also helps kill the windiness feeling off.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Beast from Air
Think about it Jack
Piggy’s Perspective

Today we saw a sign from the grown up world. There was a big flash like something flailing and some sort of aviator comes down. It kind of sounded like a plane getting hit; after all it is world war two. We didn’t seem to be afraid of it though because it seemed like a good sign to us. Like some sort of hope of being rescued. Sam and Eric became very scared this night. They were in charge of the fire and they say they saw the beastie. They ran back to camp and woke us all up. Ralph raised the conch instead of blowing it to not show the beastie were they we were. The twins start describing it and say it has wings, sharp claws and teeth and that it chased after them and almost got them. Jack instantly without thinking says lets go lookout for beastie so we can kill it. One place he wants to look at is there is the guano by the pink rocks on the mountain. Every time he hears about the beastie he becomes waxy. Ralph on the other hand actually thought about it and said that we needed to protect the shelters. When they start arguing about this stuff I feel embroiled in it automatically because of how mean Jack is to me. There fight is getting interminable. I personally don’t think there even is a beast because scientifically that’s impossible. So they can’t exist. Also I think this might be the aviator that fell from the sky.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chapter 5
Beast from Water
I should quit being Chief
Ralphs Perspective

I called an assembly today because I’m getting tired of no one listening to me. This assembly will not be for fun or for games and chat, this will be to set things right. Some concerns I brang up were; you have to pee on the rocks by the beach, no lighting fires wherever you want only the top of the mountain, doing you’re job and most importantly keep the fire going. I feel bad about the way things are going for us. No one is doing there jobs which I assigned to them and this is preventing any work from being done. They al say they will do it and do they do it? No! The worst thing that happened was that Jacks hunters let the fire out! I feel everything is breaking up because no one is doing there job and were not getting anything done. The littluns are pooping on the fruit and poisoning our systems. Also me and Jack are starting to get mad at each other a lot these days.
I’ve noticed something strange happening every night. I hear the littluns screaming and yelling in their dreams. They seem to be dreaming about the beastie and this I think is a big problem. A kid today stood up in the assembly and said that the beast came from the water. Now everyone is scared and I don’t know what to say.
I think the dirtiest thing about human nature is how we poop everywhere and we don’t even care. Were to lazy to just walk a little and keep everything clean.
I’m thinking about giving up my position of chief to Jack. Jack seems to know what he’s doing and everyone loves him and listens to him. I think I have changed on this island because I know now that Piggy’s a good tool and now I’m thinking ahead, trying to make the smart decisions.