Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Beast from Air
Think about it Jack
Piggy’s Perspective

Today we saw a sign from the grown up world. There was a big flash like something flailing and some sort of aviator comes down. It kind of sounded like a plane getting hit; after all it is world war two. We didn’t seem to be afraid of it though because it seemed like a good sign to us. Like some sort of hope of being rescued. Sam and Eric became very scared this night. They were in charge of the fire and they say they saw the beastie. They ran back to camp and woke us all up. Ralph raised the conch instead of blowing it to not show the beastie were they we were. The twins start describing it and say it has wings, sharp claws and teeth and that it chased after them and almost got them. Jack instantly without thinking says lets go lookout for beastie so we can kill it. One place he wants to look at is there is the guano by the pink rocks on the mountain. Every time he hears about the beastie he becomes waxy. Ralph on the other hand actually thought about it and said that we needed to protect the shelters. When they start arguing about this stuff I feel embroiled in it automatically because of how mean Jack is to me. There fight is getting interminable. I personally don’t think there even is a beast because scientifically that’s impossible. So they can’t exist. Also I think this might be the aviator that fell from the sky.

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