Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 1-Sound of the Shell
Who’s The Leader
Perspective: Ralph

On this island is a motif of trees, sand and seagulls. There is a large mountain that we climbed yesterday and we discovered that a effulgence coral reef makes up a barrier around the island. We also saw all the intricacies. Yesterday the weirdest thing happened. We got stuck in a storm and we were put on this island. Are plane was perfect until that bloody storm came right into our plane. Today I met some kids that might actually be of some use on this island. We all decided to stay as a communion. Some of there names are Jack who is a leader of the choir boys who I appointed the hunters and Piggy who seems to know a lot about things that might come in handy. So far we have discovered no adults and so someone here has to take charge. Jack wanted to but we decided to vote and I was put into leadership. Jack seemed ok with that but I saw a little disapproval so I let him have control over his quire boys. They chose there jobs as the hunters. Since I have the conch it seems like I have a power to control everyone and I’m the only one that can call a meeting. Yeah so I’m the chief and I think that’s good because I know what our plan is; Scout the island, find food, water and shelter. I think we might even have to matins everyday. If we manage to do all of this I think we might survive.

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