Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lord of The Flies- Post 2

Lord of The Flies
Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain
Why won’t they listen?
Piggy’s perspective

I think our island is a good one. I think it’s good because it has lots of the supplies we need like fruits, fresh water and lots of pigs. Another reason this island is good is because there is a reef that goes around the whole island which protects the waters we swim in from sharks and other dangerous see creatures.
Well one day a kid came over to hold the conch shell and he looked very martyred. He said there was some sort of “Beastie.” He said it was some sort of large snake. Ralph doesn’t believe it though but that kid seems pretty serious. Ralph has pretty much induced me but I don't know about the others. Also my enemy Jack says that if he sees it that he will hunt it down and kill it. So at the moment I’m not sure what were going to about this “beastie.” I think to all the littluns this symbolizes fear and no safety. The beastie doesn’t scare me much because Ralph says it’s not real and there’s nothing to be afraid of but every time I walk alone in the forest I feel as if this “Beastie” is watching me.
My original plan to get rescued more quickly was to light a fire at the top of the mountain. Then moments later became a glorious Ralph plan. They never listen anymore. They are officious. When they lit the fire we had no more time because it had become dark. I told them earlier but they just won’t listen to me, only to Ralph. Right now I would love to be rescued because I love my auntie and I would love to see her again. Also my asthma could kick in any time and i could die on this horrid island.
The fire we started at the top of the mountain was made by steeling my specs. They didn’t even ask me they just took them from me and increased the heat of the sunlight on some wood and made a fire. Soon that fire got way out of control and became humongous. They have no self control and they just act like a bunch of kids. If we want to keep our ebullience on this island were going to have to think ahead.
Oh and remember that kid that talked about the beastie? He disappeared. People are now starting to think that the beastie is real and it took him. No everyone including me is beginning to get scared of this thing except Ralph who is sticking to thinking it’s fake. The most horrible part is they blame me and say that I was in charge of EVERY SINGLE KID while they were gone. To me everyone is being very errant.
I think there is a difference between me and all the other boys here. That is that I realize that we have to act like adults if we want to be alive when we get rescued. We have to make a government, do our jobs make shelter find food and water because I know that no one is going to rescues us in a long time.
Every night now I’m scared and am starting to realize that we never might get rescued and that we might live here for the rest our lives. I’m scared.

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