Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lord Of The Flies-Post 3

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 3- Huts on the Beach
No One is helping!
Simons Perspective

I think that we need shelter for the littluns a lot. In our huts we should make them very opaque. We can tell that they are getting scared and to tell the truth so am I. At night we can hear them screaming in the night and we can tell they are having nightmares about this island, especially the beastie. After the missing kid with the mulberry scar disappeared everyone’s become more frightened. These shelters are supposed to make us feel more secure and to make us feel more like were at home. I think we mabye should make some perrcusion instruments for bonding like a castanet.
To get more work done around here were trying to assign jobs to everyone but without much luck. After every meeting which we have twice a day everyone promises to work hard all day. They work for about five minutes and then me and Ralph have to work the rest of the day making the huts ALONE! For us thi is to much vicissitudes. Jacks hunters are doing well keeping the fire alive but haven’t made any success in hunting pigs. All everyone does all day is bathes, plays, eats and sleeps. They’re all being way to lazy and I’m starting to get mad. Piggy didn’t say much today, he just stared into the water all day.
I think that the most important task is not going insane on this island. We have to all not fight and be peaceful. Today Jack and Ralph fought a little and I could already see them being torn apart. This would mainly be scary because Jack has a knife and could have total control over this island. Also Jack is getting to many compulsions about this pig thing. He is being to rapt about killing.
I have black hair and now I have also gotten a pretty good tan. I have no shoes and have torn shorts.
If we don’t get rescued soon I think everyone including me is going to go mad for power. If that does happen then I hope to be in a peaceful place when it does. I can only hope for the best and hope we all get rescued before any of that happens.
The reason I went up the island alone was because I wanted peace. Now that I am out in the wild I can try to find my inner self. Also all this playing is getting to my head. I want a place to get some quietness.

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