Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Painted Faces and Long Hair
I Killed a Pig!
Jack’s Perspective
Some things I’m having trouble adapting to be the coldness of the night. I am also not used to no adults although I do like that there is no one to boss us around. The hunting of the pig is turning into a game of mine and I love my job as a hunter. In England I used to always get into fights but there wouldn’t be any blood like now when I slice a pig’s throat.

The littluns are pretty lazy and are pretty much all no help at all. I think I’m going to train them as if they are in boot camp so they start getting some work done. This won't be there fun place were they get heaven and imagine lip balm. So far the choir boys are doing very well. So well we’ve killed a pig. The littluns just play all day and eat fruit, rotten or ripe. They swim in gouts and make sandcastles and just have fun all day long.

The main reason we paint our faces is because I think that the pig only sees us but not smell us. We also have to be carefull and not be blatant. This makes us blend in with the whole forest. Also the swarthiness of our skin helps to. Currently we use charcoal and different colors of clay to pain out faces. When we paint our faces it foreshadows a hunt for the pigs and hopefully fresh meat. When I paint my face I feel fierce and paramount to the others. I feel like I hold power and that no one can stand in my way, and I feel ready to hunt!

The reason the passing ship doesn’t see me is actually all my fault. I called off my choir boys all for hunting so no one was keeping the fire going. Then there was no smoke and no one saw us. I needed the boys for hunting to make a perfect circle. I made good progress and caught the pig. This gave everyone happiness and I still think I did the right thing.

The reason I lead the kids and made them chant was because I felt they needed something to be happy for and so that they could no that with work they will get results. My desire to kill comes from the taunting of the pig wagging its tail at me. It gives me a belligerence feeling. It also comes from the will for meat, the hunger, the pain of eating only rotten fruit. Mostly my desire to kill gives me respect and it lets all my anger of all the things that happened in life.

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