Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chapter 5
Beast from Water
I should quit being Chief
Ralphs Perspective

I called an assembly today because I’m getting tired of no one listening to me. This assembly will not be for fun or for games and chat, this will be to set things right. Some concerns I brang up were; you have to pee on the rocks by the beach, no lighting fires wherever you want only the top of the mountain, doing you’re job and most importantly keep the fire going. I feel bad about the way things are going for us. No one is doing there jobs which I assigned to them and this is preventing any work from being done. They al say they will do it and do they do it? No! The worst thing that happened was that Jacks hunters let the fire out! I feel everything is breaking up because no one is doing there job and were not getting anything done. The littluns are pooping on the fruit and poisoning our systems. Also me and Jack are starting to get mad at each other a lot these days.
I’ve noticed something strange happening every night. I hear the littluns screaming and yelling in their dreams. They seem to be dreaming about the beastie and this I think is a big problem. A kid today stood up in the assembly and said that the beast came from the water. Now everyone is scared and I don’t know what to say.
I think the dirtiest thing about human nature is how we poop everywhere and we don’t even care. Were to lazy to just walk a little and keep everything clean.
I’m thinking about giving up my position of chief to Jack. Jack seems to know what he’s doing and everyone loves him and listens to him. I think I have changed on this island because I know now that Piggy’s a good tool and now I’m thinking ahead, trying to make the smart decisions.

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