Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 12

Lord of The Flies
Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters
Perspective: Ralph

Dear Diary,

Today the first place I hided from the hunters was in a ticket by the castle rock. I was hungry so I went to Sam and Eric. They gave me some meat that they had. Sam and Eric joined Jacks tribe because they are now scared of Jack and Roger. They also know that they now don't stand a chance against any of the hunters because they saw how evil Roger and Jack can be. Sam and Eric have told me that Roger has sharpened both sides of a spear. At first I didn't know what that meant, now I realize that Roger wants to stick my head onto a spear just like the Lord of The Flies. I start to run to look for hiding places because Sam and Eric told me that the Hunters are going to make a CORDON to scout the island back and forth until they find me. I also was informed they will make ULULATION when they find me. They soon find me in a thicket and I start to run and end up going to the beach. When I arrive there I see men with machine guns. I soon find out that they are naval officers. Jack soon appears on the beach with his painted face and with a spear in his hands. When the naval officer asks for who was chief I took blame and said that I was. When he asked for names Percival Williams forgot his own name! The naval officer soon says that he is disappointed in the all of us and said that he would of thought some English boys would of been able to keep a good community going. Also when I said 2 kids were killed he at first thought it was a DIDDLE.

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