Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lord of The Flies

Chapter 8 and 9

Event 3: In this scene the first character in the book talks to the lord of the flies. The lord of the flies is a sacrifice to the beastie from Jack so that his tribe wont get hurt by the beastie. It is a pig head on a stick. The reason he is called lord of the flies is because he has tons of flies eating away at his flesh. In this scene Simon is walking and discovers this pig head. Suddenly the pig head starts talking to Simon and says things like “You thought you could kill me, I am part of you, I’m in all of you, I am the darkness within you.” This makes Simon freak out. Soon the pig head says that he is not only the darkness within you but that he is the beastie! I think this is a hint to Simon that the beastie is not a creature its just our imaginations. The pigs guts then start to fall out and Simon suddenly has a nosebleed. I think he makes this gory scene because the author wants to foreshadow violence using blood. Another thing the author shows is that when Simon has his nosebleed the flies stay with the pig. This is another reason the pig head is called lord of the flies.

I think that Simons death is all Jacks fault. “Do our dance! Come on! Dance!” This quote shows that Jack started the dance. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” This quote shows that he also started the aggressive chant which got all the boys pumped about killing. This is my evidence that Jack is the guilty one. He is the one that is making these boys exited about killing and he also say s that there even is a beastie. If they would’ve been sitting under shelters like Ralph wanted them to then Simons Death would have never happened. Jack is a perfect example of what the pig head said. Jack has a lot of darkness inside of him.

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