Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 7

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees
Piggy, were going to be late
Perspective: Simon

Today when Ralph hit a boar in the nose we all started to play a game. The games where someone (in this case Robert) pretends to be the boar and everyone circles around him and pokes him with the but ends of our spears. His imitation of the pigs face looked like he had just eaten a bucket of brine. After this we got much exited and got a big energy boost. I think this really helped all of our moods. Today while we were all having fun Jack cracked a joke about instead of pretending with a hunter that they could kill a littlun. I think that this foreshadows Jack killing some littluns.
Today we also found proof that the beastie was real. When we climbed to the top of the mountain to relight the fire we saw a smudge that was moving. It seemed as if it was guarding the fire and it didn’t want us to be rescued. Sam n’ Eric was right about the beast. It had claws, wings, fangs and it was pretty scary. Even Jack didn’t know what to do. He was for once scared and I heard doubt in his voice. There also might be another side to this story. Ralph and Jack just might be really gullible and there minds might be playing tricks on them. In these moors on this island who knows if you’re going crazy or not. Also I thought after his assembly he had become more sagely.
I feel that when we play the spear the pig game we get a big energy boost and it helps brighten our moods. This worked when we were looking for the beastie and we were all dun. It also helps kill the windiness feeling off.

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