Thursday, February 4, 2010

Post 1 Pages 1-61

Post 1 2/4/10
The Fire of Ares
Michael Ford 1-61

What has surprised you in the book? Why?
Something that surprised me in the book is that usually the main character has more then one enemy. In this book I think that the author symbolizes his mental worries as some of his enemies. This evens out the balance between good and bad in the story.
In this book it's surprising that he has all these things to worry about like The Fire of Ares, his mom, getting food and medicine and Timeon. All of these things make Lysander strong and always give him the strength to fight on. I also think it is kind of cheesy how every time he is out of power and doesn't have a will to go on the fire of ares just recharges all of his strength.

If you could change one thing in the book, what would it be? Why would you change it?
If I could change one thing in the book it would probably be how Lysander is always just sad about his life and even when his sick mom tries to cheer him up he stays sad. I would change this because it just gives the story a bad feel to it when the main character is just sad all the time and the only thing that keeps him happy is the fire of ares which is just a pendant.

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