Thursday, February 18, 2010

Post 4

Martynas Kausas 2/18/10
The Fire of Ares
Michael Ford 120-179

What is confusing in this book? Why?
I think that something in this book that is confusing is that why didn't Lysander's mother tell him that he was a spartan. If he would've known he was a spartan then he wouldn't of needed to work in the field all of his life and live in poverty. Also if his mother would have told him that they were spartans then Lysander's mother wouldn't have to suffer without medicine. If she would've gotten care before then she wouldn't have died.

What has surprised you in the book? Why?
One thing that has surprised me in this book is that Lysander ended up being a spartan. He was always talking about attacking the spartans and letting themselves free. He had a dream about working with the helots in there army and fighting off the spartans. He always dreamed of getting revenge and then he realized that he was one of those people he hated.

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